Gifts for Long Distance Relationships

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Nice and thoughtful presents to your long distance lover also make the heart grow fonder! Surprise your sweetie, whether he or she is 200 miles away, or 2000, with one of the unique long distance relationship gift ideas listed below. Sure to bring smiles and love across the miles!

Give the gift of excitement and exhiliration – $55 & up

Give the gift of excitement and exhiliration – $55 & up

Cloud9Living offers the gifts of experience and dreams. These experiential gifts such as skydiving, race car driving, indoor rock climbing, windsurfing, bullriding, fighter jet flying, Sea Kayaking, and Tanker surfing etc. are perfect for someone who likes to live on the edge and enjoy life!  Gift this as a birthday present, graduation present, or an anniversary present and the recipient is sure to love you for it! Click here to see the exciting activities available in your city.  

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Boyfriend Pillow – $35-45

Boyfriend Pillow – $35-45

If you’re in a long distance relationship, spending nights apart can be tough on you, especially once you’ve spent them together! The Boyfriend Pillow is here to help! Though it may not be the real thing, this pillow is perfect for snuggling up to on those lonely nights you spend apart! The perfect accompaniment to any long distance...

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Plant a Tree for the Eco-conscious in your Life – $1/tree

Plant a Tree for the Eco-conscious in your Life – $1/tree

Give a gift, make them happy, and make a difference now and for future generations all at the same time by planting a tree in their name! One dollar will plant one tree at and will directly help the Nature Conservancy project.  You can inform the recipient electronically regarding your awesome gift! This Plant-a-Tree makes a best last minute gift and is rated as among the top e-gifts to give.  Web Gift Guide recommends this as a top choice for  birthdays, e-gifts, and last minute gifts. We also find this gift as a good fit for other categories including Cheer Up, Just Because, cool gifts for men and women, long distance relationship gift, MBA graduation gifts, college graduation gifts, and high school graduation...

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Amazon Giftcard: Now Send via Facebook! $25 & Up

Amazon Giftcard: Now Send via Facebook! $25 & Up

Chances are high that your recipient likes to shop at, the largest online retailer in the world! Give them an Amazon e-Gift Card as a last minute gift for the occasion that you forgot (or are too lazy to go shop for) . Now you have the  option to e-mail the gift card, send via facebook, print, or send via good old postal mail with a greeting card (free card & shipping). You simply cannot go wrong with this! This amazon gift card makes a best last minute gift and is rated as among the top e-gifts to give.  Web Gift Guide recommends this as a top choice for  e-gifts and last minute gifts. We also find this gift as a good fit for other categories including birthday gifts, MBA graduation gifts, college graduation gifts, gifts for long distance...

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Locket Cufflinks – $99.95

Locket Cufflinks – $99.95

Just because he’s forever on the go doesn’t mean he can’t keep an eye on the people he loves. These unique locket cuff links not only keep his sleeves in the right place but his heart as well. Perfect for the new dad or even for a long distance relationship so that he always remembers who is most important to him. Review: 4.5 stars based on over 60 customer reviews on RedEnvelope.

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Apple IPOD Touch 8 GB – $204.99

Apple IPOD Touch 8 GB – $204.99

MP3 players make a great present for pretty much any occasion including birthdays, new jobs, promotions, graduations, long distance relationships, travellers, professionals, consultants, study abroad students etc. MP3 players such as the Apple IPOD Touch are also a great gift idea for anyone trying to lose weight.  After all, working out without tunes can boring. Do them a favor and buy them this Apple IPOD Touch; trust us, they will be thankful! Rating: 4.5 stars by over 2000...

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Love Long Distance Personalized Pillow – $55

Love Long Distance Personalized Pillow – $55

Distance might make the heart grow fonder, but that certainly doesn’t make it easy! Celebrate your cross-country love with something to snuggle while he or she is away from you! Perfect for your long-distance lover, this pillow is customized to connect the two cities you each live in (even if it’s across the world!).

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Gift of Relaxation: Spa Packages by Way Spa – $49 & up

Gift of Relaxation: Spa Packages by Way Spa – $49 & up

For anyone who can use a break in their life, a spa package from wayspa is a perfect gift!  WaySpa has the web’s best collection of ultra-luxurious day spas, salon spas, resort spa vacations and more. In partnership with spas around the world, WaySpa presents you with the ultimate guide to everything spa. When you give that new parent, retiree, new mom, new dad, or your loved one a WaySpa gift, they are not limited to just one type of spa or company. WaySpa gift cards are accepted across the US at multiples Spas. A unique and thoughtful gift for graduates, hard-workers, new mom, new dad, retirees, birthdays, and other...

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Create your own LoveBook – $44.95

Create your own LoveBook – $44.95

The perfect way to show your sweetie that you love them, this LoveBook is sure the bring a smile to his or her face. A perfect gift for anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, proposals, or even to tell your long distance lover that you miss them! You create a custom book through the website with all of the reasons you love someone and they print it, bind it, and ship it! A perfect gesture for someone you love!

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Gadgets, Electronics, Security & Spy Items at ThinkGeek

Gadgets, Electronics, Security & Spy Items at ThinkGeek

Nurture the wannabe spy, gadget-lover, technophile, and the geek in your life with items from ThinkGeek. Their tagline, “Stuff for Smart Masses,” couldn’t be more true! Items at ThinkGeek include Lego Darth Vader Watch, Binary Watch, Coffee Cup Power Inverter, Car Chip Engine Performance Monitor, RFID Blocking Wallet, Spycam Video Pen Camera, Spy Ear, and much much more. ThinkGeek offers you the best gift ideas and presents for 25th Birthday, 30th Birthday, 18th Birthday, Anniversary, High School Graduation, College Graduation, MBA Graduation, consultants, geeks, technology lovers, entrepreneurs, professionals, and Handymen.

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Secret Message Decoder Ring from ThinkGeek – $15.99

Secret Message Decoder Ring from ThinkGeek – $15.99

Nurture the wannabe spy, gadget-lover, technophile, and the geek in your life with items from ThinkGeek. Their tagline, “Stuff for Smart Masses,” couldn’t be more true! This secret message decoder ring is the perfect way to tell someone that you love them, miss them, to ask someone out, to say congratulations, or to convey any message in a unique and exciting manner. Simply give them an encrypted message along with the ring, and let them figure out what you are saying. This is a perfect present for your crush, significant other, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or “just because” occasions.

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A Casual or Dress Watch – $20 & up

A Casual or Dress Watch – $20 & up

A watch is one of those gifts that never go out of fashion.  Perfect for him or her, watches make great presents for birthdays, graduations, new jobs, promotions, anniversaries etc.  You are sure to find a watch you love in the amazing watch collection at Amazon. If you are looking for an 18th birthday, 25th birthday, 50th birthday gift idea or a present for a high school graduate, college graduate, MBA graduate, CPA, consultant, professional, or an entrepreneur,  a watch is the classic way to...

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“Far in Distance Near in Heart” Pillowcases – $36

“Far in Distance Near in Heart” Pillowcases – $36

The perfect long distance relationship present, these pillowcases will make you think of each other each day at the time that matters most: bedtime. A great reminder that no matter how far the distance, you two are always near at heart!

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Telegram – $5.95

Telegram – $5.95

Back before we relied so much on Smart Phones and the Internet to talk to our loved ones, people had to wait days, even months, to hear from their heart’s desire. The telegram became that form of communication. If you’re looking to spice things up a bit in your long distance relationship, or are looking to let your crush know you like them, send your sweetie your very own personalized telegram. They do say that absense makes the heart grow fonder…

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Bake me a Wish Cake – Starting at $19.95

Bake me a Wish Cake – Starting at $19.95

Do you want to give your loved one a cake for their birthday, but can’t deal with the hassle of trying to bake and package your own to send? With Bake Me a Wish Cakes, your recipient will receive a freshly baked cake of your choosing, personalized card, and an imported Belgian Chocolate occasion plaque. An ideal gift for a birthday, care package, cheer up, Valentine’s day, or a long distance “I love you.”

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