Help Advance a Cause by Giving a Charity Card – $50

Help Advance a Cause by Giving a Charity Card – $50

Fortunately for the rest of us, there are many among us who love to give! Do you know someone who is passionate for a cause? makes it easier for you to buy them a charity card which can then be used by them to donate to the Charity of their choice.  This meaningful present can create any occasion extra special! The GiveNow cards are unique, memorable and eco-friendly.  You choose a card design or upload an image. They then e-mail the card for you or you can print it to give to your recipient. Starting from $50.

This charity gift makes a best last minute gift and is rated as among the top e-gifts to give.  Web Gift Guide recommends this as a top choice for  green gifts, e-gifts, and last minute gifts. We also find this gift as a good fit for other categories including birthday gifts, MBA graduation gifts, college graduation gifts, and high school graduation gifts.

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