“How to Retire Happy, Wild & Free” – $9.41

“How to Retire Happy, Wild & Free” – $9.41

Amazon describes this book in the following words: “How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free offers inspirational advice on how to enjoy life to its fullest. The key to achieving an active and satisfying retirement involves a great deal more than having adequate financial resources; it also encompasses all other aspects of life — interesting leisure activities, creative pursuits, physical well-being, mental well-being, and solid social support.

World-class author and innovator Ernie J. Zelinski guides you to:


  • Gain courage to take early retirement; in fact, the earlier the better.
  • Put money in proper perspective so that you don’t need a million dollars to retire.
  • Generate purpose in your retirement life with meaningful creative pursuits.
  • Follow your dreams instead of someone else’s.
  • Take charge of your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
  • Better envision you retirement goals — including where you want to live.
  • Above all, make you retirement years the best time of your life.”
A perfect retirement present and a great gift idea for reitrees or those about to retire!
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